How can the desire for sex be increased?
Faculty Incharge,
Sex and Marriage Counselling Clinic
Co-ordinator, AIDS Education & Training Cell,
Professor of Community Medicine
AIIMS, New Delhi- 110029
Q: I am a 32 years old man married for the last 2 years and right from the onset of marriage I have had no desire for sex. I have consulted psychiatrists and I am under medication for anxiety and depression but it is of no use. I have taken Penegra express to get better erection and had consummated my marriage but the desire is just not there. Please suggest.
A:If you say that you have undergone treatment for depression we would believe that your lack of desire for sex could be attributed to this problem (depression). From your email, we discovered that you are 32 yrs. of age and unemployed too. All these factors are possibly acting together to make you lose interest in sex. We suggest that you seek personal help from a psychiatrist as soon as possible.