
How can stomach bloating be treated?

Dr JB Dilawari
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK

Q: I am a 35 years old woman having problems of constant burping and a bloated stomach. My weight is 72 kg and height is 164 cm. I feel tired all the time and have disturbed sleep too. I do jogging but even after that I feel heavier. Also, I get mouth ulcers often for, which I take Becosules for 3 to 4 days and get relief. But it reappears after a week or so. Please advise.

A:Burping is very common and as such is not a serious problem. Excessive wind gets released from stomach, which is quite healthy.I suggest you should lose at least 5-10 Kg weight and start doing some exercises like brisk walking for 30 minutes everyday or 10 minutes 3 times a day i.e. total time spend on exercise should be 30 minutes at least.Mouth ulcers are very common but always difficult to treat. Vitamins do not help. Hydrocortisone 2.5 mg lozenges held on the ulcer may help. Tetracycline mouth bath (125 mg/5 ml), hold 10 ml of this in the mouth for 3 minutes. This should be tried every 8 hours for not more than 2-3 days.