
How can stiffness in hips and legs be managed?

Dr JD Mukherji
Head & Senior Director in Neurology,
Max Institute of Neurosciences,
Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 53 years old male, and am HIV positive for the last six years. I also had transverse myletis, which was partially recovered. After two years, I started experiencing severe pain in spine and legs. I was unable to stand and left the job. An MRI reported syringomyelia, for which I underwent a surgery that went unsuccessful. Since then I am totally dependent on others. For the last six months, there is joint stiffness in hips and legs. I am suffering from erectile dysfunction also. I have lost hope.

A:First of all you don’t have to be despondent. You may take a tablet of Etoshine (90mg) daily once after breakfast along with tablet Pantocid (40mg) once daily. Please take a tablet of Neurobion twice daily. Add tablet Fludec (20mg) per day morning and tablet Shelcal CT twice daily. I suggest you can consult the local medical college for another opinion.