
How can rolandic epilepsy be treated?

Dr RK Sabharwal
Senior Consultant, Child Neurology & Epilepsy,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My five years old daughter weighs 16 kg and is on Valparin 5 ml, twice daily for rolandic epilepsy for the last six months. She recently had a few seizures after starting the medicine. A doctor has asked us to give her the medicine thrice a day and another doctor suggested adding Frisium 10 mg with Valparin 5ml twice daily. Which one is more appropriate? How can rolandic epilepsy be treated?

A:Rolandic epilepsy is considered as one of the milder forms of epilepsy. The fits are few, often 1-3 during the course of illness, and usually the disorder subsides by the time the child reaches reaches the teens. If the child is having frequent fits, I would need to reconsider the diagnosis. Assuming the diagnosis is correct, I would suggest you wait and not increase the dose yet. If fits recur, I would suggest changing the medication to oxcarbazepine.