
How can polycystic ovary syndrome be treated?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 25 years old woman having for the last 5 months. I do not have any facial hair and do not have too much acne. My height is 5.2 feet and weight is 58 kg; I am a little overweight. I have been trying to conceive for almost a year and have been taking the treatment for the last 6 months. The doctor has given me three cycles of fertyl super treatment. In the first cycle, the follicle grew but it did not ovulate and then I was diagnosed with PCOS after a follicular study. No follicle growth was seen in the last two fertyl treatment cycles. I have been taking Glycomet 250 mg, thrice daily, for the last 4 months. Now the doctor has suggested me to go for a laparoscopy to burst the follicular cysts. Is it advisable to do this at this point of time? Am I taking the right treatment?

A:If you are not in too much hurry to conceive, then fertyl, and timed coitus after ultrasound monitoring can be tried up to 6 cycles, before going ahead for laparoscopy. The dose of the fertyl can also be stepped up gradually to improve chances of conception, if the ovulation is not satisfactory. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is usually done, after failing with medical methods, It is costly and also invasive needing anaesthesia. It could wait till a full attempt with ovulation inducing drugs has been tried. Besides fertyl there are other gonadotrophins too which can be tried, though they may have the slightly higher risk of hyperstimulation, which can be detected if ultrasound scanning is done along with the drugs.