
How can Parkinson’s disease be managed?

Dr JD Mukherji
Head & Senior Director in Neurology,
Max Institute of Neurosciences,
Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My 41 years old mother is suffering from Parkinson's for the last five years. She is taking Pacitane for the last three months. The disease has started from hand shaking and till now her voice has affected by the disease. How can it be controlled?

A:Your mother is a case of young onset Parkinsons' disease which needs to be handled with care. She can be put on a Dopamine agonist drug like Ropiranole 0.25 mg twice daily to start with and then increased gradually. In addition she should be started on tablet Rasagiline 0.5 mg at night which can be gradually increased after consultation with your doctor to 1.0 mg at night.