
How can nasal polyps be treated?

Dr (Prof) Santosh Kacker
Senior Consultant,
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science & Research,

Q: I am a 21 years old boy having sinusitis since the last 3 years. The symptoms include white coloured secretions from the nose and difficulty in breathing. I am taking Amlong 5 mg and Envas 5 mg daily, and sometimes I use Nasivion but it is addictive, hence I have stopped it. The doctor has told me to go for surgery as I have nasal polyps, which got confirmed in my CT-PNS report; but I don't want to do so. I have idiopathic hypertension too. Please advise.

A:We have two methods of treatment of polypii in sinuses with chronic sinusitis.

  1. Surgical, which you do not want.
  2. Medical and physiotherapy.
Medical treatment involves long term antibiotic low dose say Roxythromycin 150 mgs daily for 6 to 9 months. This has to be supplemented by anti allergics like Fexofenadine, Levocetrizine or Desloratidine. A systemic decongestant can be used but you have high blood pressure so this has to be avoided. Lastly you can have steroids, short courses very six month, say Prednisolone 20 mgs with antacids daily for 7 to 10 days.Minor surgeries i.e. office procedure like antrum wash and instillation of antibiotics in antrum may help. Pranayams should be done regularly. If septum is deviated it can not be corrected by medicine.