
How can my wife's skin pigmentation be treated?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My 27 years old wife has darker skin on her hands and back. The doctor told us that it is due to nylon brush. For the past three years, she has a small white circular spot on her back. The doctor told that it might be due to fungal infection for which he gave ointments and Flucozona tablet. After one and a half years, we consulted a skin specialist, who recommended whitcare. Meanwhile, she got a lighter line on her chin and neck. She applied whitcare on the infected portion. But after applying it, side skin of a line became darker. We recently consulted another doctor, who recommended melanocyl and momate ointment. She has a problem of sunburning and her skin gets allergic and swollen whenever exposed to sunlight for which she is using cutizone. How can my wife's skin pigmentation be treated?

A:Burning and aggravation on exposure to light suggests that the patient has photodermatitis and probably photomelanosis. An experienced dermatologist should be able to identify this condition. Once confirmed, one should endeavour to find the photosensitzer and eliminate it. Till then one has to take medicines to be comfortable and take photo-protective measures.