
How can my son's stammering problem be managed?

Ms Anupriya Khanna
Lecturer & Speech Therapist,

Q: My 3 years and 10 months old son has started stammering for the last 10 months. I had taken him for anti- stammering classes, after which he did not stammer for a month but later started stammering again. I am giving him homeopathic medicines but in vain. My younger son is 1 year and 2 months old. Please suggest.

A:Stammering usually is related to a single or multiple stressful events, which gets reinforced because of a number of other issues. You need to find out the root cause of the problem instead of just superficially trying to get rid of the problem with these stammering classes. If the cause of the problem remains untreated it will keep on resurfacing again and again.

Please get your child evaluated by a qualified professional who understands this and can guide you accordingly. If you let me know the place where you live I may be able to help you reach a qualified person.

Also don’t delay as you a younger child who would start imitating his elder brother and things would become worse.