
How can my son’s behaviour be managed?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My four years old son doesn't like to communicate with strangers / new people. He does not express himself well as compared to what a normal 4 years child would do. But he listens to us, help us in household chores, but gets angry when we ask him to communicate or express himself. He has a good memory and can remember house, street and the interiors. He can identify all shapes and alphabets, loves books and has a huge collection. He has great a passion for music, keeps singing throughout the day. Sometimes, teachers come back to us complaining that he does not respond to them. How can my son’s behaviour be managed?

A:Your child is very talented and you should support his talents and interests, rather than trying to "normalise" him. Children are different from each other and the best way of handling them is to be guided by their inclinations, in a manner of speaking. Please do not force your child to speak to strangers or even to visitors to your home. Some children could be naturally shy and it is best to let them become sociable gradually. Children should not be treated as show pieces. Their individuality should be respected.If you are living in the USA, Canada or Europe, you will find that they are quite accepting of differences in the behaviour of children. However, you could consult a counsellor or paediatrician if you think it necessary. From what you have told me, let the child be singing happily and enjoying the various activities at home. He will develop social skills when he has to deal with children of his own age in a school setting.