
How can my sinus problem be treated?

Dr Ajit Man Singh
Senior Consultant ENT & Head and Neck Surgery,
Max Healthcare,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 37 years old male suffering from sinus problem for the last five years. As per the diagnosis, I have some allergy but am unable to pinpoint the offending agent. My right nostril always remains blocked when I am sitting or sleeping but while standing or walking it is okay. Every morning I have cold, cough and running nose with lot of sneezing. Is there any way to find out what I am allergic to? Is exercise, cycling or yoga helpful?

A:If only your right nasal cavity is getting blocked, do you have a deviated nasal septum? If so, that can be corrected surgically if it is causing significant problems. For allergic rhinosinusitis also, the treatment is with anti-allergics and local nasal steroid sprays. If there is no improvement, a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses (PNS) is indicated Depending on its findings, endoscopic sinus surgery may be needed. However, no surgery will correct your allergic/ hypersensitivity nature. To find out what you are allergic to is difficult. Allergy tests can be done, but they are not reliable if many allergens are present. You could be allergic to dust, pollens, pollution, sudden changes of temperature, cockroach mites, and a hoard of other things present in the environment.