
How can my mother's kidney problem be cured?

Dr Vijay Kher
Department of Nephrology and Kidney transplant Medicine,
Fortis Kidney and Urology Institute,
Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My mother is 51 years old. She has a kidney disease. Her blood urea and creatinine are 70 and 3.9, respectively. She is on a restricted diet for the last two years, i.e., no green vegetables, no pulses, no fruits, etc. The doctor does not give any medication to bring the creatinine level down. At the moment, she does not have any physical problems as such. But I am worried about her. What is her future like? How many years can she do without dialysis? Is there a way to avoid dialysis at all? She has no other problem like obesity or diabetes. Kindly advise.

A:Chronic kidney disease is unfortunately a progressive disorder. There is no specific medicine to reduce serum creatinine. Serum creatinine and blood urea are indirect markers of kidney function, best represented by glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The estimated GFR for your mother is 16 ml/min, which effectively means 18 % kidney function. A person requires dialysis or kidney transplantation once kidney function is between (GFR 10-15 ml/min) and patient has symptoms like weakness, loss of weight and appetite, nausea and vomiting. She does not have much kidney function reserve and has advanced disease and probably will require dialysis in 3-6 months time. This may be delayed by good blood pressure control to less than 130/80 mmHg. These produce best results if started at a better kidney function like > 50-60 ml/min.