
How can my lower abdomen pain be treated?

Dr Sanjiv Saigal
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 29 years old woman having pain in the lower right abdomen for the past several months. After consulting the doctor I got my appendix removed 3 months back. But it has not helped as I am still having the pain. The doctor told me that the appendix pain would remain for a few more days. But it has been 2 months since I got the laparoscopy done and still there is no change. I am getting the same pain almost daily and it lasts for a few minutes and goes or sometimes it lasts for the whole night. Sometimes, the pain is more in the lying down position. Can it be something else? Please help.

A:As per the case details you have provided, I note that you had a laparoscopic appendicectomy 3 months back. It is sometimes seen that some patients may continue to have abdominal symptoms following the surgery. In such cases, the pain is due to other causes such as spastic colon/IBS, etc. You should undergo repeat tests such as ultrasound/CT abdomen. Your Gastroenterologist looking after you can guide you regarding this.