
How can my grandfather’s kidney failure be managed?

Dr Vijay Kher
Department of Nephrology and Kidney transplant Medicine,
Fortis Kidney and Urology Institute,
Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My 62 years old diabetic grandfather has been a patient of hypertension for the last ten years. Now he has been diagnosed with hepatitis C (HCV positive) and some kidney problem. We take him to dialysis twice a week. His creatinine level is 10.5 and urea - 235, wintrobe - 20, uric acid – 8, globulin - 3.8. What food should be given to him? What else we can do for him?

A:Your grandfather has kidney failure due to diabetic kidney disease most likely and is rightly on dialysis. The secret of doing well on dialysis is to get good dialysis and eat well. The standard for good dialysis is - thrice a week dialysis for at least 4 hours each time, and eat at least 35 calories/kg optimal body weight, 1 gm /kg weight of protein. The salt and potassium in the diet should be restricted. HCV needs assessment of liver disease and decision about treatment.