
How can my friend's vision be corrected?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: My friend is 27 years old. Accidentally, I hurt my friend three years back and it damaged his eye. He got hurt by the glasses he was wearing. After that he was operated twice. First, he was operated to rectify the eye. The second operation was to change the lens. Now he can see things, but not very clearly. Doctors say that his retina is not damaged, but the size of the hole in the iris has got bigger. That is why he is not able to see things clearly. His vision is 6/6 with pin-hole. Please suggest how his vision can be corrected.

A:His vision will be a lot clearer if he wears a contact lens. If the pupillary hole is too big, he should wear painted contact lens with smaller clearer area in the centre. Painted contact lenses are worn by a lot of people as a fashion accessory or even by film or TV actors to change the colour of their eyes. See a contact lens specialist who should sort this out.