How can my friend’s addiction be managed?
Addiction Psychiatrist,
Summit Oaks Hospital, New Jersey,
Q: My 50 years old friend is taking Fortwin injection regularly for the last 24 months (has taken almost 5000 till now). He started two years back. He was having tooth trouble and he used to take it rarely to relieve the pain but eventually got addicted to it. He has no other problems like blood pressure, asthma or diabetes. He wants to get rid of it? How can my friend’s addiction be managed.?
A:Fortwin injection addiction is a controversy. Some classify this as opioid, some don't. Some also question if it's addictive. But clearly your friend is dependent and it is like heroin addiction. I would recommend that he goes to a detox center and get detoxed and then start taking Naltrexone pill daily to avoid relapses in the future. Consult with a psychiatrist and a therapist and go to Narcotic Anonymus groups for support.