
How can my father's frequent bed wetting problem be controlled?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: My father is 80 years old and wets his bed 4-5 times daily. No one is there to help my mother to wash his dhotis and clean the place. She is suffering a lot. They are not financially well off to have a servant. My father goes to the toilet and lies down in the bathroom itself. Only in the morning he has the memory power. Please advise.

A:I can quite understand your father's urinary and age specific problem. There are many ways such patients could be helped but would involve some investigations and putting him on some treatment. You have already indicated about the financial constrains. In the given situation, you must find time to show him to a urologist in a general hospital and seek his advice. In case your father is leaking because he is obstructed and his bladder is full, then he may be comfortable having a long-term urethral catheter. At least it will save him of the botheration of going to bathroom frequently, sleeping in the bathroom and your mother needing to wash his dhotis frequently.