
How can my diabetic father's visual loss be prevented?

Dr M S Ravindra
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore

Q: My 53 years old diabetic father has eye-sight problem. His right eye has been operated for cataract four years back. After this surgery, his vision gradually started becoming weak. Next year his right eye was operated again and after a month his right eye was operated for the third time as the retina got detached. After this the doctor put silicon oil in his right eye, which is still there. He has completely lost the vision of his right eye. Now he cannot see properly from his left eye too. Is there anything that can be done to prevent his vision loss? Can artificial eye transplant help?

A:Sorry to hear that the right eye is blind, in spite of several surgeries. Diabetes does cause serious damage to retina, and if timely treatment is not done, results of delayed treatment can be very poor. I think nothing much can be done to right eye, as grafting can only help those who have bad corneas. Retina cannot be transplanted. Please show the left eye to a good retinal specialist, and take timely treatment. If you wait till vision drops in diabetes, it will be too late. Please consult an eye specialist once in 4 to 6 months.