
How can my cholesterol level be managed?

Dr Sujeet Jha
Institute of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism,
Max Healthcare, New Delhi

Q: I am 41 years male experiencing weakness in the morning. Recently I underwent blood test, which showed triglycerides - 160 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol - 129 mg/d, HDL cholesterol - 32 mg/d and VLDL cholesterol -32 mg/d. My blood sugar level and uric acid is normal. I am also having pain in my left chest and I get angry even on slight provocation. How can my cholesterol level be managed? I avoid taking allopathic tablets, injection etc.

A:Allopathic medicines comes in the market based on sceince or clinical trialsYour weakness has nothing to do lipds levelm I wopuld suggest that get your thyroid function test and vitamin d 25 OH levels and meet your doctor.Most metabolic disease would be better with lie style modification. I am sure you would appreciate that none of the alternative and tradional medicine has evolved without the support of modern labs and test so if any medicine has been proven sceintificaly it is allopatic medicinesm