How can my child's hearing be improved?
Senior Specialist & Head,
Department of Otolaryngology,
Ibri Regional Referral Hospital,
Sultanate of Oman
Q: My seven-year-old daughter has been detected with 85 per cent hearing loss in right ear. Can a hearing aid help?
A:Based on worldwide study findings and in my opinion, I believe that children with hearing loss in one ear should minimally receive a trial with amplification (which can be easily decided by the audiologist and the ENT specialist). Fitting these, the quality of these children's life has been seen to improve (proved by various studies). I think that without this trial and practice, the children are being denied access to their full potential.Just follow the advice of the audiologist and keep a watch on the only good hearing ear. Your ENT specialist can advise you for this. If, at a stage, you feel there is a need for the child to enjoy the input of sound from both sides, you can consult your audiologist for the same.