
How can my child get rid of the cracks in her feet?

Dr Bindu Dewan
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,

Q: My 7.2-year-old daughter has cracks in her feet, between the first and the second toe, for the past one year. She got these during last year's rainy season. These reduce and aggravate from time to time. Sometimes, there is a bleeding from the cracks and it looks like an infection. It is really painful at that time. At her school, which has a lot of greenery around, they are not supposed to wear footwear in classes, dining hall and many other places inside the school premises. Sometimes, I notice that the cracks reduce when she does not have school for a few days. But it is not a regular pattern. She also goes down to play in the garden in our apartment. I have shown the cracks to her paediatrician, dermatologist, and am now trying homoeopathy, but the relief is temporary. She has dry skin, but otherwise is a normal, active and healthy child. Her food habits are okay. How can these cracks be healed?

A:This may be due to some fungal infection. You can try using Terbinafine cream once daily, for at least three weeks.