
How can low haemoglobin levels be managed?

Dr Anil Handoo
Consultant, Department of Haematology,
B L Kapoor Memorial Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 39 years old housewife with a history of low haemoglobin. Two months back, my haemoglobin was 7.8. I am taking Orofer XT for the last two months. My doctor has advised me to take the same for six months. Probable reason could be excessive bleeding during periods and also irregular periods. I am also taking Predisolone for the last 45 days for an inflammation in optic nerve sheath. What should I do?

A:As per the details provided, you seem to be having severe iron deficiency anemia due to heavy menstrual periods. The treatment with orofer prescribed by your doctor is perfectly alright so is the duration. You need to know that the iron stores take a very long time to replenish, usually more than 6 months. You must make sure to have iron tablet empty stomach, and only with water. No milk or green vegetables should be taken at the same time. You cane have milk/vegetables etc at other times, but not with iron tablet. Also, having iron alone is not going to be enough. You would also need to take Tablet folic acid 5 mg daily and also ensure that the menstrual irregularity is taken care of, otherwise, it is like filing a tumbler with a leaky bottom.Again, there is no issue in having prednisolone and iron since there is no major drug interaction.