
How can increased total leukocyte count be treated?

Dr Anil Handoo
Consultant, Department of Haematology,
B L Kapoor Memorial Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 4 years old son is having increased total leukocyte count (TLC), which is now 18,200%. /mm3. He is taking Monoceff, Venetretion and, Colpol Calpol and tri-minic. What can I do?

A:While the Total leukocyte count (TLC) is definitely increased for a child of four years; however, you have not qualified the type of cell increase. It is important to understand that only a TLC in isolation has very little meaning. It has to be accompanied by a differential leukocyte count (DLC) to know if this increase is due to neutrophils / lymphocytes / monocytes or any other cell types, which in turn shall help to get closer to the disease state.

I would, therefore, suggest to either the details of the complete blood count (CBC) test, if already available, or else get a repeat CBC done which should include DLC.