
How can I win back my husband's trust?

Ms Arpita Anand
Consultant Psychologist,
New Delhi

Q: I'm a 27 year old married women. Ours was a love marriage. My husband and I work in an IT company. Recently I lied to my husband and went out with a male colleague a couple of times. My husband found out and was really frustrated and angry. He even contemplated a breakup. I apologised for having lied to him. The only reason why I lied was because he does not like me going out with male colleagues alone. Now he has lost his complete faith and trust on me. He has given me a 2nd chance, I want to win his trust back. Sometimes he becomes very quite and does not speak to me. I know its my mistake. Now I want to rectify things between us. Please advise.

A:Maintaining an open communication is at the base of a successful relationship. The best way to address this issue would be to take responsibility for your behaviour and explain to your husband the reasons why you did. This does not mean that you are justifying your behaviour but simply the difficulty you experience in being more open with him. List out situations where he might not have been understanding about your choices. Then let him share his concerns while you listen patiently. Work out options that will help you both reach a better understanding. Also ask him ways in which he might be able to trust you again and try and re-build the faith in the relationship. Hope this works.