
How can I turn a breech baby presentation into a vertical presentation?

Dr Puneet Bedi
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant,
Apollo Hospital, New delhi

Q: I am 30 weeks pregnant. I have a breech baby. What are the exercises to turn a breech baby presentation into a vertex presentation?

A:According to the current recommendations, there is no role of determining the position of the baby, at this stage. However, if the baby is breech, you need not worry at this stage. Most of these babies, turn by themselves by the 37 th week naturally, without any help from you or your doctor. There are no exercises for this. The fetus is like a fish in a fishbowl and is floating around all day. The fetus at this stage changes positions frequently, so even if you correct the position at this stage it may turn again. If and only if, the fetus is still a breech at 37 weeks, it is called as a breech presentation. At this stage, you need to decide on the mode of delivery. The current recommendation of the WHO is to try external cephalic version. This is a simple technique, but should be conducted, only by an expert. In good hands it is reasonably safe and can avoid caesarean in most cases. If indeed you do have a breech presentation at 37 weeks, your doctor would do the needful in terms of excluding variations, in the structure of your uterus and possible abnormalities in the fetus. It is too premature to worry about all this, at this stage.