
How can I stop my child from surfing pornographic sites?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My 12-year-old son is looking at pornographic pictures on the Internet, gay and usual. I have checked his history and found many such sites. We have talked about it before and now I find he is continuing to do so. We have explained that curiosity is natural and have asked if he thinks he is gay but he insists he is just curious. At what point does this become an obsession and when do you become concerned? He is a good kid, active in sports and a great student.

A:You are right in assuming that natural curiosity may impel children to search for porn sites on the computer.Your son seems have started early. The problem with viewing these sites is that it becomes a habit and never seems enough. I think you should install a parental control software (like Net nanny) that provides internet monitoring and web site filtering, so that only certain sites will be available to your son. But tell him you are doing it and that it is in his interest. Be consistent and firm in the rules. Tell him that there is a lot of time ahead. He should now focus on studies, sports and having good friends who will like him and respect him.