How can I regain my memory?
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA
Q: I am a 25 years old man who used Spasmo Proxyvon for an year. I rarely used Nitrosun 10 mg and Alprazolam. Now I have stopped taking them all. But, I have noticed severe memory loss after that. I am not in a situation to go for further studies, but I want to continue it. Please suggest how can I regain my lost memory.
A:If you are having problems with your memory, then the question is why? There are a number of things that could be causing your memory problems, starting from something as simple as sleep deprivation. It is therefore important to first find out what the cause is, and then address how to approach it. I would suggest you see a Neurologist, as memory problems fall under their specialty. They will be able to do some objective memory testing as part of their examination, and should be able to help you identify the cause, and address the problem.