How can I permanently get rid of vitiligo?
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I am suffering from vitiligo since 13 years. I got it when I was in school. I am getting frustrated with this. I have taken allopathic and homeopathic treatments. I have been taking tablets and sitting in sun for several years. I look beautiful and have a good job. My parents started looking for marriage proposals but this vitiligo has become a major problem. Earlier, I was very confident. I never thought it as a problem but it has started affecting me now. I am depressed. Is there any permanent solution for this? Can I go for Puva treatment?
A:Response of treatment is very variable. Some respond quickly and completely. In some this is incomplete. In a few nothing much is achieved. Conservative medical treatment is continued as long as repigmentation takes place and there are no adverse effects. Once there is no further response and the disease is inactive, surgical measures like grafting can be considered. One can camouflage the visible lesions and avoid the embarrassment.