
How can I not get over my past relationship?

Dr Jitendra Nagpal
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist and Incharge of the Institute of Child Development and Adolescent Health at Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi

Q: I am 28 years old and recently had a break up. I am mentally disturbed, as I love that girl more than myself. The reason for my break-up is not clear to me. We were very close to each other. She went far from me to pursue MBA. I am not that well settled but will get settled soon well professionally. The problem arose when I started letting my frustrations onto her. I started scolding her over the phone for not giving me time, as she was so busy. Also, I used to get upset when she got too involved with this guy who she claimed was just her good friend. I know she loved me and we were planning to get married after a year. She had initially rejected my proposal as her family was against this. We used to be best friends. I also went on my knees to beg her but she didn't acknowledge it and said she wont be happy with me. We also had a physical relationship, not forcefully but passionately. I don't want to loose her. She doesn't take my call or respond to my messages. Please suggest something positive as I know her she might be stubborn but how can she forget all those beautiful moments we have spent together? Why can't she forgive me? I am not a possessive, traditional kind of man but how can I make her realise how much I care for her? She is in another city. I am losing patience. All my friends who came to know about this consoled me that she was never my kind, but we have shared every little things of our life. For me she is a gift of God! What do I do?

A:Irrespective of gender, this is a natural response to the ending of a close and intimate relationship. The thing to do in this situation would be to try and move on, especially if she is not keen on being in a relationship with you. However, as you would have realised this is not an easy task. You can begin by focusing on other aspects in your life such as your career. After some time you will view the situation more objectively. If you still continue to feel disturbed you may also visit a counsellor who will help you deal more effectively with these emotions.