
How can I manage my son’s behaviour?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My six years old son behaves like a man. He always does opposite to what we say. My neighbours and his teachers are also complaining about it. Sometimes, he enjoys beating other children. Please advise how to manage my son’s behaviour?

A:It is not clear what you mean by the words "he behaves like a man". It seems that he is showing a lot of aggression and disobedience. You must try to understand if there are any reasons for this behaviour and if it has started recently. Try to explore if you as parents are modelling loud and aggressive behaviour. Look into your discipline methods, if your expectations are too high from a small child, or if you are inconsistent. If you are able to find a clue, go ahead and make changes. If the problem persists, consult a qualified psychologist or counsellor for proper assessment and follow the recommended interventions.