
How can I manage asthma during pregnancy?

Dr Bobby Bhalotra
Consultant, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 26 years old woman having asthma for the last six years. I am 8 months pregnant now and for the last 5 days I have developed breathlessness and experience heavy chest at night with wheezing sound from chest. Cold and sour food items worsen my problem. I am taking 2 puffs of Asthalin (Salbutamol) 100 mcg/dose in a day. Will my unborn child get affected due to this inhaler? In case of severe attack, what is the safe and recommended dose? My husband is also an asthmatic patient; will this affect our child? Is there any vaccine, which can be used to prevent severe asthmatic attack?

A:Treatment of asthma is very important in your case, as the child is dependent on you for oxygen supply. Inhalers are safe. In the present situation, you need to consult a chest specialist for advise on proper dosage, the use of other medications to control your condition and also to prevent it from happening in future. Asthma is a genetic disease and hence there is a possibility of transmission to the offspring via genes. There are immunotherapy vaccinations available for treatment of asthma but their safety profile is doubtful in pregnancy. Preventive inhalers are the treatment of choice and are safe for the baby too.