
How can I make my son write faster?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I have a 13-years-old son. He is very slow at writing. He is left-handed with an IQ of about 105. Though his grasping power is good, somehow he cannot retain his answers at school. His general knowledge is also very good. He likes to watch Discovery channel. He observes things well. But he never completes his homework and classwork. He cannot copy quickly from the blackboard in the classroom. He cannot concentrate properly while studying but sometimes does well under pressure. Please advise.

A:There are some children who cannot write fast. Some dyslexic children also fall into the same category. Left handed children should be allowed to be left handed. Attempts to force them to change to the right hand will lead to more problems. He seems to be bright. Do not force him to fit your expectations of what he should be. Let him show you his strengths and weaknesses and make hima partner in the task of getting over his weakness. Do not put undue pressure on him.