
How can I make my son more responsible?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My 13-year-old son is not interested in studies. He always likes to watch TV and play. He studies only when he is scolded or beaten. When will he realise that he needs to study and achieve something in life? Even for eating food and having a bath, I have to be behind his back. I don't really understand what is he interested in.

A:I think you need to take a strong stand. Tell your son to be responsible for himself. If he does not take a bath or eat his food, let him take the consequences. Since you are there to be reminding him all the time, he waits for that to happen.Let him go to school with homework not done and face the teachers anger.Once he has learnt that he cannot fool all the people all the time, talk to him gently. Help him to make a time table for his work. Both parents should be involved in bringing him up, if they are around. Praise him when he does things right and tell him that you will ignore him if he does not listen to reasonable instructions.