
How can I make my son eat food?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 19 months old son do not take any solid food. Earlier, he used to eat but for the past 6 months he has stopped eating everything. He wants only plain milk, not any fruit or vegetable mix juices. I am worried for his health. He is very weak and cannot walk more than few steps. He had severe bronchitis and was given antibiotic Azitral about 10 months back. Please advise.

A:In order to get your child to eat you will have to stop giving milk in large quantities. A baby who has a large intake of milk will never eat. If you are bottle-feeding I would recommend you stop bottle feeding completely. If you feel the need to give milk please give it in a glass. As the intake of milk will automatically decrease when you withdraw the bottle the baby will feel hungry and will be willing to take solid food.