
How can I maintain my milk supply for breast-feeding?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My baby is now 3 months and 20 days old. For the first three months, I only breast fed him and introduced the bottle on the 91st day of his life when I joined office. Now, I give him one feed before I leave for office at 9 AM and soon after I return at 6 PM, then whenever he wants it, even late night and early morning. During weekends, I try to give him only breast milk so that my milk supply is maintained. My problem is that contrary to what people say, I don't feel full during the day when I am in office. From the first day itself I have not been comfortable. I feel milk letting down 4-5 times in the day but it doesn't leak or cause any discomfort. Does this mean that my milk supply has decreased? Should I do something to maintain a good supply? I want to breast feed atleast for 6 months.

A:The best way to maintain lactation is to feed frequently when at home. Express milk if possible when you are away from home and if possible store it for later use. Drink plenty of fluids (and this where most mothers fall short as they forget to maintain a good intake of fluids at work). All this should allow for lactation to continue. Do not worry about producing enough milk, if the weight gain of the baby is satisfactory that is the ultimate proof.