
How can I lose the fat on my abdomen?

Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,

Q: I am a 33 years old man weighing 59 kg and 167.64 cm tall. I am fit and exercise regularly. I do not drink too. Even though I exercise a lot, I am unable to lose my abdomen fat. Will a diet change help me reducing the tummy without substantially losing weight? Exercise of the abdomen has not helped me much though I do take advice from the gym trainers. Please advise.

A:It is good to hear that you exercise for the love of it. The belly can be quite a bone of contention, especially when you do not find results!Along with a sensible diet and regular cardio workout (that takes care of the fat that lies ABOVE the area), you may be able to achieve more than what you have been trying to. The key besides this, is to CORRECTLY do your abdominal crunches so you are contracting the muscles as you are coming up AND breathing out gently. As you come down to starting position, do not go down completely but hold it there and then go back up again. Mistakenly, most abdominal crunches are done without mindfulness, so mere repetition does not result in the desired effect. Remember FORM is more important than the number of repetitions you can do.