
How can I improve my stamina?

Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,

Q: I have poor stamina right from the age of 18 as compared to my other friends of my age group. I easily get tired on running but can walk for long duration. On running more I feel a peculiar kind of pain in my teeth. I have gone through an executive check in a good hospital which shows that everything is normal, whether it is cardiac profile, diabetes test and all, also I have gone through HLA B27 test which was positive. I am suffering from psychological diabetes (polyuria) for which I am seeing a psychiatrist. Please help.

A:Other than telling you that walking for long periods of time is as good, if not better than jogging. There is not much I can do to help you with your situation. Besides, stamina has to be built up over a period of time so please do not assess yourself on one or two occasions only, nor compare yourself with anyone but yourself. If you like, you can continue with your walking and include small bursts of jogging for a few minutes in between, then slow down till you catch your breath. By incorporating this, you may find you may be able to endure a lot more. You are well in the hands of the psychiatrist, who should be able to instill some confidence in you as you proceed with your therapy.