
How can I improve my child's attention span and develop his writing?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My son (5 years old) is very bright, reads well but does not write neatly unless coaxed or threatened to. I would like to know how I could improve his attention span towards writing activities? Can you suggest books or any other means I can use to develop his personality? Should I enrol him into ABACUS or karate classes or something else?

A:Many parents tend to be anxious to ensure that their children do well in school and reach the top. That is only natural. However, one should not forget that the child is a person who has come into the family, to be loved and cherished and to develop to his full potential. He is not a project for the parents to work to get the maximum results. This change in perspective will help to keep the child’s health and happiness as the main aim and then work around it. Do start the child on any activity for which he seems to have an aptitude or liking.It seems that threatening the child is not advisable. Have a light touch in your discipline and a sense of humour when he does not do something that you are expecting him to do. All children of 5 have a low attention span, unless the task is gripping (like watching a Cricket match)! Get him books at his level which he can enjoy reading and good music. Let him play with paper, crayons, sand, water, clay or plasticine. Children love to make things and draw pictures.