
How can I help my wife who is suffering from paranoia?

Dr Bert Pepper
Blauvelt, New York

Q: I am married from the past 5 years and have a 1 and a half year old child. My wife has recently been treated with paranoia. The doctor has treated her with Rispond plus. She behaves normal in her day to day life. The problem is that she picks up an unwanted argument and starts repenting afterwards. She recently had a fight with my mother and those two days were horrible for me. She became completely depressed and I saw her murmur for 3 hours in sleep. She could not come out of it the next day. She picked a fight with me for no fault of mine. She stared trembling and shivering, I was scared. We approached the doctor who said that she has an internal illness and has to be treated. It has become very difficult for me as I have a son. I have left her at her mother's place. I want to help her but I am finding it very difficult. Her mother is also being treated for a similar problem. Will this be cured and will she be able to lead a normal life? I have tried my level best by treating her nicely but as the days are passing, it is becoming difficult for me to handle her.

A:In order for you to help your wife and take care of yourself and your child, you must be fully informed about her illness and how the doctor is treating it. Is he just prescribing medicines? Medicine is important, but she must also be talking to the doctor or some other mental health professional about how she is feeling and what her thoughts are.Ask for an appointment with her doctor. Tell her about this, and say you want to be part of her treatment, so that you can help her by understanding her problems better.Before you see the doctor, write down a list of her symptoms, her problems, and her behaviour and tell them to the doctor. Then ask him what is wrong, what is the name of the illness, what is her medicine supposed to do for her, and what other treatment is he giving her, such as talking to her and counselling her about her problems, feelings, and behaviours. Ask if she should also be in counselling every week or two with a social worker or psychologist.All this information should be shared openly with your wife. This openness is necessary if she is to trust you, so that you can help her. Kindness and honesty on your part can be very important to her recovery.