
How can I help my adolescent son make friends?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My son is 14 years. His problem is that he does not have friends. He always has the fear that nobody would talk to him and none of his friends would listen to him. Please tell me how can I help him develop a personality so that he can get along well with people and make good friends.

A:Your son is going through adolescence which is often a period of great stress. Identity crisis and peer acceptance are very important issues at this age. Generally kids at this age feel inadequate and shy. As a parent you can help by-a)Not making him conscious of his lack of friends or lack of social skills. Do not label your child as it will reduce his self-confidence. Do not compare him or criticize him and do not force him. If you are relaxed, he will relax and be natural too.b) Encourage his self-esteem by praising his positive points. Every person does have some strengths in personality. Identify and encourage them.c)Help him join a club or a sports group where he can learn social skills or a sport and get opportunity to meet people and make friends.