
How can I get rid of recurrent kidney stones?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: I am a 32 years old male and I have been facing the problem of kidney stones for the last 8-9 years. I was taking a homeopathic medicine Berberis vulgaris for some time but the problem has persisted. I might have passed 3-4 stones in the last 8 years. Recently I visited a urologist and got USG, X-ray, blood tests and urine test done and the results showed 3 stones, 1 in each kidney (3-4 mm) and 1 in the urinary tract (5mm). The doctor advised me to further increase my water intake, increase physical activity and take 3 sachets of KMGcit every day for a month, and revisit after 3 months. However, I am getting pain in the area below the navel on the left side for the last 2-3 days but there is no pain in the back. I have to apply pressure to urinate and it feels a bit sharp. The doctor has advised voveran if the pain increases. My friend, who also had a similar problem, advised me syrup called Potrate, which he says prevents any infection due to stone, and increases the chances of the stone passing. What should be the future course of action?

A:Review of your history reflects increased propensity in you towards recurrent kidney stone formation. The treatment is directed towards prevention of recurrent stone formation as advised which includes daily intake of fluids of over 2 liters and low salt diet. Medications like KMGcit and Potrate are meant to increase the local pH of the urine thereby preventing various mineral salts from forming the stones. These essentially are alkali salts in the form of citrate. However, when you become symptomatic due to a probable obstructing stone, then it requires imaging of the urinary tract and probable surgical intervention in addition to the pain relief medications. Lastly, you may benefit from a 24 hour urine studies to quantify various mineral salts in the urine along with chemical analysis of a passed stone (next time when you happen to pass and catch one) if it has not been done so. It helps the physician to tailor the treatment (in the form of medications and diet restrictions) per the type of kidney stone.