How can I get rid of marital stress?
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist and Incharge of the Institute of Child Development and Adolescent Health at Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi
Q: Due to a lot of frustration as regards the incompatibility of my wife to my level, I have to compromise every day due to her immature, inconsiderate and childlike behaviour. In need of hour, there is nobody with whom I can share my feelings. I am mentally disturbed, I remain upset and feel sick. I have lost interest in everything. An element of gusto has vanished. I am also facing stress in my job. I am always out of mood. My nature has become anxious and fearful. My wife is a hypochondriac. She always complains of chest pain and allied symptoms due to as which I remain under tension. Though the doctors have ruled out anything. If I tell her to be cool and calm and not to be panicky, she quarrels with me and a full-fledged debate on my callousness towards her takes place. Now I feel that I am suffering from some panic disorder, OCD or anxiety. I feel like weeping for my fate. When I see my friends and their family, I feel jealous of their happiness. Please help me overcome the symptoms described. Is there any drug that can help me? I don't want to go to doctors. I am otherwise a very successful executive, with no vices. I am a non-smoker, non-diabetic, do not take tobacco or alcohol and I live a very straight-forward life in a small town.
A:From what you report, you seem to be undergoing a lot of stress in your life. Unpleasantness at home, problems in marital life and job stress seem to be contributing to this stress, thus making you feel sad and hopeless about life.Everyone goes through some amount of stress in their life, however, prolonged stress is not very healthy. In certain cases medication is required but in your case it seems you would benefit from psychotherapy. Some amount of medication might help you, but essentially psychotherapy would be of help. Since you are not willing to see somebody in your town you could find out about a professional psychotherapist in your neighbouring city whom you could visit on a regular basis. At your level you could practice yoga and relaxation exercises like pranayam to deal with the anxiety.