How can I get rid of chest pain?
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Bishop Auckland Hospital,
Q: I am 27 years old male and recently had acidity problems. I quit smoking and drinking and got a chest pain that radiates down to my shoulder, arm and back. I have been to the doctors and they have done all the tests to rule out cardiac issues and my reports came negative. After all this, the doctors suggested that I have costochondritis. The pain in the chest gets severe at times. I have joined gym to keep myself fit but the other day I noticed that the pain increased after I did some weight training. I have stopped going to the gym as well. I take combiflam and apply voveron gel on the chest area. And also apply some heat to the affected area. I want to get rid of this pain. Are there any more tests required and can I go to the gym and do my normal cardio exercises? Please help.
A:You have non-cardiac chest pain, the commonest reason for which is oesophageal spasm secondary to acid reflux. The next commonest cause is oesophageal dysmotility, as a primary condition, without reflux.In the first instance, I would recommend a trial of acid suppression with Pantoprazole 40 mg twice a day for one month. If your symptoms do not get better, you will need oesophageal pH monitoring (preferably an extended 48 hours monitoring using BRAVO capsule) and an oesophageal manometry.I do not see any reason why you cannot do exercises, although I would advise against bending down exercises and those that require abdominal wall muscles to contract vigorously.