
How can I get rid of acne?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 23 years old man having many pimples on the face. My skin also gets irritated after shaving and in turn leads to more pimples. I have used moisturisers and face cleansers, but nothing has helped me. My skin is oily. How do I find the right product for myself?

A:In majority of patients, acne subsides spontaneously by mid twenties. Only in about 10% cases, acne is seen beyond the age of 25 years. Therefore it is very likely, that very soon, you shall get freedom from the problem of acne. If it troubles you very much and is leaving permanent scars, then you should take treatment from a dermatologist. Moisturisers should be avoided as they are known to aggravate acne in a good number of patients. However, acne is not the cause of sensitive skin. If shaving is causing irritation, then probably you have an allergy to one of the constituents of shaving material. On the other hand you may also be having folliculitis in addition to acne. Each act of shaving promotes spread of this infection and you may be wrongly interpreting this as increased irritability to shave.