How can I enhance my breast milk production?
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: My son is 3 months old. I had no milk at the time of delivery. My doctor gave me some tablets to begin lactation and I breastfed my son for 1 month. I also ate other things to increase milk. In the beginning of the second month, my son sucked throughout the day and cried when he did not get any milk. I contacted the paediatrician who suggested Lactogen and since then he was on Lactogen and breast milk. I was eating a specific diet to increase breast milk, but I am not sure whether it worked. I have stopped taking these foods and my milk production is equivalent to nil. Earlier milk used to fall drop by drop at least once a day when I was on those foods, but now there is no milk at all. My son is entirely on Lactogen. Will being exclusively on Lactogen have any adverse effects in my son? I am sad that I don't have any milk to feed him. What can I do to help my baby grow strong? What all foods can I start giving him after he is 3 months old?
A:My only suggestion is that just relax, and reduce your anxiety level. This will help to get you more milk. Take good nutritious diet with lots of liquids and put the baby to breast more often. Till the time you have less milk, give other milk with spoon and katori and take away the bottle nipple from him. If you keep offering bottle nipple to him, he does not learn how to draw breast milk and so your production goes down.