
How can I diminish the scars on my face?

Dr D Surindher D.S.A
Plastic Surgeon,

Q: I am a 21 years old boy who met with a bike accident four months back and got my head injured. Six sutures where given on my head and even after four months, I have scars on the injured body parts. I lost hair on the affected areas and the hair hasn't re-grown since then. Is there any remedy to diminish the scars on my face and also to make the hair re-grow? The skin on my face appears dull and wrinkled and does not look youthful. I was advised by doctors to use minoxidil and emoderm but my skin texture has not improved at all. Please suggest medicines that will help me in curing my problems. I don't want to go for a plastic surgery.

A:Once a scar always a scar. The scars can only be reduced, they will never vanish. As time goes by, the scars will mature and look less prominent.Hair never grows in the scars. You can apply all the medicines you want, but hair will not grow in a scar. The only option if at all, is hair transplant into the scar. But since you have not mentioned the exact location of your scar I cannot comment on it. Keloid in a scar on the head is very unlikely, but most probably is due to the healing phase of the scar and you should wait on it. Regarding the dullness on your face, best would be to go see a dermatologist / cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, so you can take the medication under supervision and monitoring.As for opting for surgery or not is entirely your decision. But, things that require surgery will not be treatable by medicines. So, take a proper / formal consultation regarding your condition because you need to examined and advised accordingly. Once that is done, you can take a call on whether you want to go ahead with the surgery or be happy with what you have and allow nature to heal it with time.