
How can I deal with my son's mood swings?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My son is 6 years old and has a very good memory. He can catch concepts very soon and writes very neatly. In spite of these, he doesn't want to write and is not interested in any targeted work. He doesn't stand in one place for more than 5 minutes if we go outside. Except if we buy toys for him. I have observed a lot of mood swings in him. He cries very easily for small things. He has no confidence. Please help me out. I want my child to be happy.

A:The best way to ensure that children are happy is for the parents to be affectionate and caring and have a harmonious home.Observe your child's mood swings. Perhaps he is getting an overdose of TV watching. Make sure he gets enough sleep and goes to bed early. Give him snacks between meals and do not insist that he must wait for the main meal and eat that well. Some children can only take in a small amount each time and may need more snacks and small meals.As far as possible, avoid ready made foods and Cola drinks. Give your child opportunities to enjoy outdoor games. Do not make toys the main reward for good behaviour. Make your time with him, your stories and songs, the reward. Confidence will develop gradually, when he is allowed to be himself and knows he is valued.