How can I control my child while travelling by air?
Advisor on Child Development & Education,
Q: My son is one year old. He is a very manageable and a happy kid. He is very active but not troublesome, cranky, or fussy. We have to travel overseas a lot because of my husband's job. That is when he becomes extremely unmanageable. He can be the cause of embarrassment in the flight. He doesn't sleep and gets totally out of control. On advice of doctors we have given him drugs like phenargan and dimetapp, but in vain. Please suggest something to manage him. Because of this I have to stay away from my husband.
A:Some children are just more sensitive to the discomforts of plane travel, although all babies have some distress. Some of the problems your son has will disappear, I am sure, as he grows up. On the day of travel, you might make the child play actively all day so that he is ready to drop off to sleep when you board. A warm drink of milk just before sleeping time is also generally sleep-inducing. If the child has a favourite toy or other object that he holds in his hands before sleeping, be sure to pack it in your hand baggage. In any case, do your best to keep the child quiet and resting, but don't get embarrassed if he does not comply. Everyone in the plane was once a baby and at least half of them must be having a young one at home. Talk to other women you know, who have to take long plane trips. They might also have some useful suggestions.