
How can I clean my ears?

Dr Anil Safaya
Senior Specialist & Head,
Department of Otolaryngology,
Ibri Regional Referral Hospital,
Sultanate of Oman

Q: I am a 34-year-old man. Recently, I had difficulty in hearing. I went to an ENT specialist in a nearby town. He told me that there is a lot of dust (wax) in my ears. He cleaned it. I do not have any problem now. But I need some clarifications. (a) The doctor used cold tap water to clean my ears. Is it alright? (b) He used a gun like equipment for splashing water inside my ears. Even though it has cleaned the ears, I had some pain for two days. Is it normal? He gave anti-inflammation drugs (Aqute tablet and Glevo ear drops), and now there is no problem. I wish to know if there is any other better way of cleaning the ears.

A:I think you should forget about what kind of water and gun the doctor used; if he was an ENT specialist, trust him. And if he was not an ENT specialist, then you are lucky.Regarding cleaning of ear, please remember, ear is a self-cleansing organ, so don't try to clean it with anything, specially oil or any pins, etc. If there is any problem, contact your ENT specialist.