
How can I build my muscles?

Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,

Q: I am 19 years old. I have an athletic body. I have been doing body-building since the past two months. For every exercise, I do 3 sets. I have to gain size so should I increase the weights of a particular exercise while going from one set to another or should I decrease it? For example, for my chest muscles I do bench press; in the first set I put 30-30 Kg weights on both the sides. For the next set I put 27.5-27.5. Should I decrease these weights per set or increase it to increase the size of my muscles?

A:You should work closely with a fitness trainer who can work out a personalised schedule for you. In the meantime, keep in mind that there a number of ways to build muscle. If you do 3 sets for each exercise, you can vary it by starting off with less repetitions, more weights, then in the next set, more repetitions with a heavier weight then for the third set, least weight and higher reps than the 2nd and 3rd set. Then in the next week, you can do the opposite. Remember this is just one example, there are too many to put down here. Use your imagination and concentration on how well your muscle work is coming about.